G’day and welcome 

I am so glad that of all the places on the Internet, you have chosen to be here. Your time is precious, and I appreciate you choosing to spend it here. I promise to share insights, ideas, experiments and learnings (and maybe a few blunders along the way) that will hopefully add value to your life and work. 

So a bit about me … for those new to the party (welcome!). I believe love and business can be powerful forces for good. Love for people, the planet, and all things nature fuel my life and work. 

I am passionate about helping businesses deliver truly awesome customer experiences. This involves a  healthy dose of research, design, consulting and training.  I am a bit of a CX geek and can talk about customer errors for hours (coffee or a glass of vino – I am equally verbose on both).   

I am a Certified Practising Marketer recognised by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) for my diverse experience across marketing consulting, research, academia, and advertising.  I’ve also been involved with the AMI, serving on their NSW State Committee and judging their prestigious Marketing Excellence Awards on several occasions. 

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